Word Factori (previously known as factori) is a game about creating all the letters of the alphabet from the letter i, chaining together a system of satisfying factories to form words

GMTK Game Jam 2021 Winner
Word Factori (previously known as factori) was originally made in 48 hours for the 2021 GMTK Game Jam, where it was selected for Mark Brown's top 20 games, and was ranked #1 by popular vote. we have since expanded the game into it's current full version.

did you know?
from the humble letter i, all letters can be created. all you need is the proper tools.
all you need is Word Factori.
Word Factori is a game about chaining together a system of factories to form letters and words.
starting with the letter i, you will apply rotations, reflections, bending, and merging to craft more complex letters. create your interconnected system of factories and link them to the blue bins at the top of the screen to produce the required letter or word.
then sit back and smile as your beautiful machines chug along.
from the humble letter i, all letters can be created. all you need is the proper tools.
all you need is Word Factori.
Word Factori is a game about chaining together a system of factories to form letters and words.
starting with the letter i, you will apply rotations, reflections, bending, and merging to craft more complex letters. create your interconnected system of factories and link them to the blue bins at the top of the screen to produce the required letter or word.
then sit back and smile as your beautiful machines chug along.
hello streamers, let's players & press!
click the button below to view the Word Factori press kit